How this Public Organization Secured All of Their Data Within Their Content Server

Key Context

Region: Europe
Employees: 200-500
Sector: Public
Active Users: 20

Overcame the shortcomings of their ECM Solution

Maintained Workflows With Zero Change Management

Improved Efficiency and Minimized Work for End Users

Company Background

This non-departmental public body is dedicated to cleaning up some of the earliest nuclear sites safely, securely, and cost-effectively with care for people and the environment. 

The Challenge

With the important job of cleaning up and securing old nuclear sites, this organization relies on teams of qualified scientists to help them analyze data and models so they can take action on and clean up the oldest nuclear sites in Europe safely. One of these teams is a group of physicists who input their data in extremely complex linked spreadsheets that capture and organize data for analysis.

Due to the intricacy of these documents and the links between them, these files couldn’t be managed in the organization’s enterprise content management (ECM) system, Content Server, without breaking links or causing errors. For years, the team used a third-party integration as a workaround, but after the organization upgraded to a more recent version of Content Server, the team discovered support for this integration was removed altogether.

Suddenly, the vital documents being used by this team could no longer be secured or managed in their ECM platform, which was an organizational requirement. This left them scrambling to find a solution that allowed the team to continue working the same way they always have while ensuring all their data abided by the same security features of their ECM investment.


Unsure of what else to do, the organization turned to their ECM provider for a way to maintain existing workflows and continue their important work uninterrupted. Shinydrive was recommended as a solution for this problem. After a straightforward implementation, the team was able to utilize Shinydrive with minimal workflow disruption. Shinydrive’s intuitive interface enabled the team to perform functions like a “save as” command right within their familiar file explorer without having to go through the full Content Server API.

And while the team continued working like normal, the organization was able to secure and manage their complex linked spreadsheets – and the sensitive data contained within – in their ECM providing increased security. Thanks to Shinydrive, this public organization was able to reap the full benefits of their Content Server while also maintaining critical workflows for an essential team.

Business Critical Outcomes

  • There was zero change management, allowing the team to work uninterrupted right from their desktop file explorer
  • Secured vital documents so all of the organization’s data was managed within their ECM
  • Improved efficiency by making it easier for the team to access their files, saving them time as a result

“Using Shinydrive has been a game-changer for us… Shinydrive was recommended to us as a solution and after a seamless implementation, it has allowed us to continue our important work with zero interruption while saving us time in the process. I would recommend Shinydrive to any company looking to realize the full benefit of their ECM and improve their Content Server integration.”

-Technical User

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